Thursday, February 3, 2011

6 Ways to make your company "Go Green"

It’s not everyday that you could tell your boss to do something right. There would be no better way than to give suggestions on going green. By suggesting, it makes you contribute a lot more than just adhering to it yourself.

The pointers would help cultivate Eco awareness among your peers and help the poor farmers of India.

So do your bit!

1. Corporate gardens with natural fertilizers & pesticides. Every office should maintain a garden which cultivates using only natural fertilizers & pesticides. There should be HR policies for participation of employees for gardening; by contributing manure or tending to a certain plant area of the garden.

2. Rewarding the employees who uses bicycles to commute or car pools. Ask your boss to distribute free Bicycles to the employees as reward for going green. It would encourage those who live nearby to commute by it, reducing pollution. The ones who live far off could use bicycles to go to the market. It would be a good exercise and would keep the employee in good health.

3. Corporate conglomerates to distribute Organic Cotton natural dyed fabrics to employees. The employees who come up with the most innovative usage of the fabric should be awarded a ‘Go Green’ badge. You could even suggest having quarterly sale of the products done by corporate employees with these yardages. The funds accumulated by these sales could be used to help the organic farmers.

4. Talent Exchange programs between corporate world big bees and farmers / handicraft artisans. This includes education of farmers by corporate employees. In turn the corporate employees would be trained in one craft by the artisans from the villages. It would be a fitting exchange program.

5. Ask your HR to set up a hobby room today. The hobby room should have tailoring machine, paints, iron box, wood carving tools, hand embroidery tools, Khadi wheel and wooden looms. Any other tools that help making a product that needs skill could be dded to the collection. It would help you relax to do something other than work at times.

6. Gather bio degradable home/office waste and make the office arrange it to be delivered to farmers. The accumulated waste could be used by farmers as natural fertilizers. Food Canteen should adhere to zero wastage policy and use the left over food for the cause too.

If you have more such suggestions, you could add it to the list. Do your bit for the planet, start giving suggestions to others.

Unsolicited advice could be unwelcome; but don’t be hesitant to give a piece of your mind to your employer for a good cause.

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